Certified yoga teacher. Retreat facilitator.

Kahuna Massage Bodyworker. Rest advocate.

We live in a busy world, full of busy people, doing all the busy things. Sometimes busyness can be exhilarating, especially when we’re in the zone and on a mission to make life count. But when we push the accelerator too hard, for too long, we end up burnt-out and overwhelmed. For many of us, the cycle of busyness and burn-out is a familiar one.

But what if there is another way?

The concept of Practical Nourishment is about the simple, nourishing ways we can fill up our tanks, while speeding down life’s highway at 120km.

It’s about tuning into nature’s intelligence, both inside and outside our bodies. And knowing when to choose a different speed.

It’s understanding that rest and productivity are two ends of the same cycle. And to listen to our exhaustion- it often holds wisdom about how our priorities need to change.

There is no one tool for self-care.

And taking care of ourselves doesn’t have to be complicated.

Sometimes it’s a yoga practice or a nourishing meal. Sometimes it’s as easy as taking a breath.

The medicine is knowing which tool to access in the moment, so we always have the power to change how we feel.

Contact Jess

0425 285 951
Sydney NSW
